Floatation Therapy FAQ’s

Floatation Therapy FAQ’s2021-05-06T18:42:11+00:00
What if I’m claustrophobic?2021-05-06T15:11:55+00:00

​The Pod is massive! About 9 1/2 feet long by 5 feet wide and about 5 feet tall and shaped like a giant egg. Unlike older tanks, our Pods are white on the inside and lit should you prefer to leave the lights on. You’ll also have full control of the giant, clamshell door. Feel free to leave it cracked or open as you get used to the space, though once you lie back and close your eyes, relaxation will fully take over!

I can’t float. Is this therapy for me?2021-05-06T15:11:24+00:00

We promise that, with a half ton of Epsom Salt in shallow water, you’ll have a hard time not floating! No effort or work on your part is necessary to stay afloat. So – yes – it’s absolutely for you!

Can I float while pregnant?2021-05-06T15:51:59+00:00

We will require a release from your primary care doctor before you will be allowed to float. Pregnant clients may experience some of the greatest relief from floating—physically and mentally. The added weight and pressure on the mother’s body is likely to cause pain and discomfort, the weightless impact of floating can provide much relief! Many clients report a unique and memorable experience floating while pregnant.

Is the water clean?2021-05-06T15:53:51+00:00

Epsom salt is a natural antimicrobial and, due to the high salt content in our Pods, bacteria simply can’t live in the water. That said, we also have two filtration systems that cycle all of the water in the Pod 4 to 5 times between users, a bromine system, AND an ozone/UV sanitation system. It’s likely the cleanest water you’ll ever be in!

Must I stay in the entire time?2021-05-06T15:55:07+00:00

The room is reserved for your exclusive use during your float session.  You may exit anytime, however, please note that credits or refunds will not be given for unused time.

Will my skin wrinkle after spending so much time in the water?2021-05-06T15:56:40+00:00

Surprisingly – no! The high level of Epsom Salts prevent the skin from wrinkling. It will, however, leave your skin silky smooth!

Will the salt water wreck my hair?2021-05-06T15:57:16+00:00

The salt water will not harm your hair, but we do not recommend floating if you have dyed your hair, or have had it chemically treated in the past 7 days.

What if I fall asleep? Will I drown?2021-05-06T16:00:52+00:00

Each Pod contains only 10 inches of incredibly salt-dense water, therefore, it is not required that the user know how to swim. As for drifting off to sleep, we highly encourage it! 1 hour of sleep in the Pod is equivalent to about 4 in your bed due to flotation encouraging your brain waves into theta state. If you happen to roll over in the Pod (trust us, it’s hard to do), the discomfort from the salt water in your eyes will quickly wake you (don’t worry, there’s a fresh water spray bottle in the Pod for a quick rinse).

How much can I Float?2021-05-06T16:02:52+00:00

You can float as often as you like. There are no adverse effects, aside from being too relaxed.  There is no limitations on doing “nothing”.

What if I have a cut or scrape?2021-05-06T16:03:38+00:00

On any open cuts or scrapes, apply our supplied Vaseline before entering the float pod to prevent irritation from the salt.

Do I wear a bathing suit?2021-05-06T16:04:57+00:00

We recommend floating nude so as to decrease sensory stimulus, but you may float in a swim suit if you’d prefer.

Floating FAQ | https://www.spaoasisfairmont.com/floating-faq

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